The Meeting Place

I think it might be good to go. Whole server host died permanently. Migration required upgrades and code changes.

A place to meet for Out Of Character(OOC) conversations.

There are 0 people here The most recent statement was made about 742 hours ago.

Spuds: Well hot shit, it still exists. And so do I. What a long, strange trip it's been.

Spuds: Any of the folk from back in the day want, [email protected] is where to find me now a days.

Sulia: I can't believe this is here still. If anyone ever wants to reconnect, I'm RecentlyDeceased on Discord. Or shoot me email at [email protected]

Sulia: argh....that'd be [email protected], actually.

Caliban Slade (bani Ex Miscellanea) & Zozer (familiaris)): old-timer, dusting off a character I have not played much, but have established in my head. What's this about a Necropolis discord? Email me deets, please, if that is a going concern. Just got a ton of my old WoD stuff back & am burning with nostalgia - and eager to attempt this again with better social skills.

Caliban Slade (bani Ex Miscellanea) & Zozer (familiaris)): [email protected] s'il vous plait.

Caliban Slade (bani Ex Miscellanea) and Zozer (Familiaris) : or hit me up for WoD RP if you like. :3

: There is now a discord at for these chats, join up and chat with other players, reconnect with old Necro vets and reminisce, arrange times for scenes and more!

Tanith: There is something nice about popping back here once every few years and seeing other names you still recognise from over 20 years ago doing the same. 87 days since the last person commented….

The Emissary of the Twin Arts: This is probably what I miss most about this place. It's about midnight, I'm trying to catch up on creative work that's not just chores, something I *want* to do, but it's kind of lonely because everyone else has gone to bed. I remember, so long ago, that I could pop in here and there'd be one or two other people still kicking around, chatting and having fun.

Stray (Forgotten but not Gone): LifeCrier-p was here. And followed the Discord link.

Zylo: Tanith? for real? Outstanding!

Narou Urethra: Man, I miss this place

theGrey: When it comes to job history, I don't have much but then trying to get references from suck. Of the Five prior jobs I have over the last three decades (not counting current), three of them no longer exist in physical locality or as a business. Some might ask why the heck am I bringing it up here? Well, one is that I use to play a lot here and the other is simple, look at the copyright page of your White-Wolf paperback books. See that PRINTED IN THE USA in the second and most of the third edition books? Yeah, where I worked from 2000-2022 did almost all of the printing for White-Wolf up to just prior to the end of 'The Time of Judgement' meta-arc in 2004. Gosh dang has it been that long?

theGrey: So big whoop that for four years I indirectly worked for White Wolf and (until I left that printer) several other TTRPG companies, though in 2022 I had made some choices that in hindsight have been favorable to me. I had worked on trying to force my employer to give me a raise by finding a job closer to home (as it was roughly 40 minute commute one way daily with most of along the deadliest length of Highway in the state) and that while lower in pay, the in saving on the gas/petrol would have me still making more money, if they wanted to keep me, then there would need to be nearly a 10% increase and I was the better of the two operators on a pivotal machine in the factory.

theGrey: Unfortunately, my vehicle decided to crap out on me during, so what I wanted to be a bluff ended up becoming a reality. Why I find that fortunate two years later? Simple, I was thinking of calling and seeing how things were going with my old boss and in the process found out that the company had been bought out by the owners of the competition and closed five months after I had left... All I had needed more money and leanacy due to family/medical issues otherwise I would have preferred to stay because I actually had liked the atmosphere and my co-workers. There were of course the rumors, but still, I feel bad for my former associates there... Just found out and wanted to rant/vent, so sorry...

The Emissary of the Twin Arts: It's 2025. It's been a quarter-century since I've heard anything from some of the people I used to talk to in here. I'm on the verge of another major life change, and it's making me think about what's gone before, which naturally led me here.

The Emissary of the Twin Arts: So I'll leave another prayer. If you're reading this, I wish you only the best. I hope things turned out okay for you too. I hope that I'll be able to remember you if I see you again.

Formerly Fox Pooka: Is there any way we could spread the word about this place? Maybe breathe some life back into it for nostalgia's sake?

Riff Raff: hello all

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The Meeting Place 2 (0)
A place to meet for Out Of Character(OOC) conversations.
The Streets of Necropolis (0)
A slowly flickering streetlight illuminates this dark street. All roads though town lead to this main road. Shadowy figures dart in and out of alleyways, and only the brave or foolish remain here long.

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