I think it might be good to go. Whole server host died permanently. Migration required upgrades and code changes.
Behind the freehold for an acre or so stretches a delightful green garden. Stone paths twist around the cacaphony of delicately manicured flowerbeds and wild explosions of roses. A small stand of willows bends to touch the surface of a clear pond where brightly colored fish occasionally break its still mirror. Only fae or their Enchanted guests can find their way through the doorways into the garden. (This is a Changeling chat room.)There are 0 people here The most recent statement was made about 16923 hours ago.
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: Dots are back! *throws confetti*
Besus Fufoon: *Enters*
Kalon Carry (Satyr Grump): Wearing a loud shirt and cargo shorts, Kalon enters in from the hold to gaze at the garden. Sadly, satys don't always grump gracefully and it shows for him. The fellow has a bit of a pot belly, and wild gray and white streaks adorn his facial. His horns, once proud and projecting, now curl back over his head.
Kalon Carry (Satyr Grump): "It's beautiful" he gapes.
Kalon Carry (Satyr Grump): He literally stops and smells the roses. The roses, fortunately, can't smell him.
Kalon Carry (Satyr Grump): Here, he feels free of judgement for his oder de goat. A light breeze and an empty garden? He sips his lemonade and enjoys the sunlight
Kalon Carry (Satyr Grump): And he takes a wander deeper into the garden
Kalon Carry (Satyr Grump): -gone-
Besus Fufoon: *Enters*