Infinity Offices

I think it might be good to go. Whole server host died permanently. Migration required upgrades and code changes.

Here with ornate chairs set around a large circular wooden table, the Mages of the Infinity Chantry discuss the affairs of Magic.

There are 0 people here The most recent statement was made about 19468 hours ago.

The Emissary of the Twin Arts: Just checking in...

Besus Fufoon: *Enters*

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The Infinity Chantry (0)
This proud Victorian-style manor stands in the city's residential area. No one knows it's exact location as the manor seems to find those it deems worthy of entry rather than the other way around. Past the wrought metal gates a stone path threads its way up to the wooden porch and the house's main door. A sign reads "Infinity Club: Members Only". On the gate itself, a "Wet Paint" sign "coincidentally" turns aside those with only casual interest in the structure. Stepping inside brings one into the mansion's entry hall, which has been converted into a small club. A scattering of tables, chairs and couches offer places to relax and talk, while a well-stocked bar, a jukebox and a dartboard offer other distractions. Beyond them all a number of warded doorways and staircases lead deeper into the manor proper. (Tradition Magi and Allies only)

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