Caern of the Silver Moon

I think it might be good to go. Whole server host died permanently. Migration required upgrades and code changes.

The most holy of places for any self-respecting Garou. (Shifters and Kinfolk Only)

There are 0 people here The most recent statement was made about 9128 hours ago.

~*thee wolf*~: *whistles* .. I'm the wolf. I'm the one you want. I'm the killer wolf ..

Joshua Puck: enters

: ooc: Joshua Puck... Now there's a name I haven't seen in long, long time.

Overbear -gurahl-: *enters*

: *Peeks* Going to revitalize this place one way or another!

Scott Rawlins: It's a wonderful night for a drink *Heads off into the woods, wandering through the bawn and towards the lake, eventually working his way towards the bar*

: jules?!?

ophelia: *flutters in*

Besus Fufoon: *Enters*

Stray (Forgotten but not Gone): OOC: the more things change.. the more they stay the same...

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The Bawn (0)
This is the Bawn of the Caern. There is a campground feel to the place where Kinfolk, Bastet, Garou and other shifters meet in a vibrant, if occasionally explosively violent, wooded environment.(Shapeshifters and Kinfolk only)
Lake Smithville Woods (0)
Vast expanse of lakefront property fringed by woods. One can expect to see the shore abound with fun and frolic as any lake would... only this fun and frolic is done exclusively at night. The Garou are lords of this land, others should tread carefully.

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