I think it might be good to go. Whole server host died permanently. Migration required upgrades and code changes.
The most holy of places for any self-respecting Garou. (Shifters and Kinfolk Only)There are 0 people here The most recent statement was made about 9128 hours ago.
~*thee wolf*~: *whistles* .. I'm the wolf. I'm the one you want. I'm the killer wolf ..
Joshua Puck: enters
: ooc: Joshua Puck... Now there's a name I haven't seen in long, long time.
Overbear -gurahl-: *enters*
: *Peeks* Going to revitalize this place one way or another!
Scott Rawlins: It's a wonderful night for a drink *Heads off into the woods, wandering through the bawn and towards the lake, eventually working his way towards the bar*
: jules?!?
ophelia: *flutters in*
Besus Fufoon: *Enters*
Stray (Forgotten but not Gone): OOC: the more things change.. the more they stay the same...